Here are a few tips: Terminal how to get on a plane wing
Estate how to get on top of c Post also how to capture B Easy
Quarry how to rush the B flag
Personally I don't use the nuke but for those people who want to take contol of a game especially if your team has been loosing for a couple of rounds here is a vid for it:
This is a great video by IGN playing Demolition on Favela,it shows how some teamwork and protecting the guy with a killstreak can help out the team. You will notice his killstreak rewards are set up for the team he uses the emergency drop which gives more rewards. Also not that they seem to know what everyone else is doing, good communication.
This is a good video by IGN with some great secret hidding spots for estate, there is one by where c is for domination. There is a good way to take the headquarters with a lot of cover but, look at the vid learn the spots. They might come in handy. There is also one that will help out in groud war by the boat that might suprise you
Here is another video whith some spots for Afgan, i already knew about most if them but I like the way to get to the sniper area by way of the tail of the plane.
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