On Mombasa streets you can knock out a couple of achievements, naughty naughty for one or start out with good samaritan, here are the vids for them:
They don't have to be complicated, Good Samaritan is done by not killing the engineers or the covenant close to them and naughty naughty is done by killing them. The Naughty Naughty achievement will show up right away and the Good Samaritan one will pop up when you enter Data Hive. Good Samaritan is best done while playing through the campaign because naughty naughty can be done by replaying mombasa streets, if you do not get good samaritan first time through then you will have to replay the whole campaign over again.
Also at game start you will can get the achievement Heal up for 5 Gs by going to any of the medical kiosks in Mombasa, they are located all over the place up against the walls.
The narator helps you get the achievement for tourist at game start for 5 Gs by telling you how to download the city map.
Here is a vid to help you with some of the easy ones at game start such as Heal Up, Dark Times, Boom Headshot, Tourist, Junior Detective:
At the same time you can get 29 of the audio files the 30th one isn't on mombasa streets, here are the vids for those:
Vid 1 and 2 by roosterteeth and a map, the first two vids help you see what they look like the map is an easy way to navagate.
Here is the link for the map, If you are having trouble with a certain one click on the X and they will show a short vid about that one.
For the 30th audio log Porkchop also did a vid specifically for that on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErEpBRnLtHc
By getting the audio logs you will unlock 4 achievements for a total of 125Gs
At game start while fighting you could get the boom headshot achievement for 5Gs, it's self explanatory but heres a vid for it just incase you need one:
Once you get that and can grab a needler from the enemies start on Pink and deadly for 5 more Gs which can be done by simply unloading a needler into an enemy so that they basicly explode, if done right then you will see a progress bar on the right hand side of the screen, you will have to do that 10 times during mombasa before you get the achievement.
Ewww, sticky can be done on any level by sticking a grenade to an enemy 5 times on the same level, don't know how to throw plasma grenades: then you shouln't be playing Halo ya noob. 5Gs
While still on mombasa you can do the My Clothes achievement for 5 Gs. Over charge the plasma pistol and then beat down a brute or a jackal. Here is a vid although I did it in a different location.
When you first start the game they show you how to use VISR Mode, you don't really need yo worry about getting the Dark Times achievement because in a lot of areas you will need to use your VISR so you will get it early on. That is another 5 Gs
For junior detective, Gumshoe and Super Slueth it is recomended that you play the game straight through without resetting the game or replaying a level. You get this by finding the beacons, which are clues to what happened to the other ODST. Hit up on the D-Pad to see where the beacons are on the map, They are yellow and you have sensors that help you find them. There are also alien symols close to them that lead the path to them if they are not easily visible. You will get the achievement for Super Slueth around the data hive area and the other ones pop up while you find them.
Tip: do not pick up the beacons till after you have gotten the achievements you were trying for on Mombasa Streets.
After you have knocked out some achievements in Mombasa streets then start grabbing the beacons, each beacon leads to a new level, you work through them to finish the game. After each one you return to mombasa streets as the rookie to find the other beacons.
Each level is an achievement and there are some special achievements within many of them. For the special achievements you can just replay the level after you complete the campaign. Also as yo complete the levels you will unlock the characters to be used in firefight and the different firefight levels.
Campaign Walkthrough
Here are the video guides by NextGenwalkthroughs for legendary and done on solo if you need to do it that way.
There you can click on the link of what you need to do, they do not need to be done in a certain order but don't hit replay or go back to the main sceen otherwise you will lose progress on some achievements, just play the game straight through. They show a way to go through it without to much trouble and solo, If you are doing it on legendary then it is easier with friends and have someone stay back so you can respawn. Just remember to switch out so that they are not missing out on all the fun.
When doing Kizingo Boulevard you can get the achievement for both tubes, here is the vid:
When doing uplift reserve you can do stunning and wraith killer:
Once you have completed the game you can replay it on solo lengendary for one of the vidmaster achievements:
While playing through the campaign you can get dome inspector and I like fire. For I like fire grab the flamethrower that is in the snow section of Data Hive and use it on the next ten enemies you see. For Dome inspector get headshots with the sniper rifle or auto mag on NMPD HQ. If you don't get them through the campaign don't worry about it you can replay those levels once you finish. Here is a vid, so you can see where the flamethrower is:
Some tips for campaign:
Hunters: shoot them in the back- Plasma pistol overcharge will take off some of their armor
Brute Plasma pistol overcharge and a headshot works good, over charge then switch to the pistol.
grunts: grenades while they are bunched up, use cover don't just charge, headshots with the pistol works very well with them
jackals: Plasma overcharge to take out there shield
The first achievement I would work on in firefight is endure, Here is my vid on it:
While trying to get endure you will get the achievement for getting 200,000 points on that level. I chose to do it on alpha site and that is a good level to do it on. You must have enough time to complete it all in one session, allow a couple of hours. Since you need 3 other people, make sure they have enough time. A good connection is a must, if any body has a bad connection or is to far away do not play with them.The other player don't have to be pro's but they should not play a run and gun style because the lives are pooled, they will use them all up and you will need some reserve lives for the later levels.
If you don't have any friends online at the time to help you then goto toutube search endure achievement and post a couple of comments with your gamer tag to get some randoms to help you.
Map strategies
Alpha Site See vid above
Lost Platoon This is a guide to get endure on this map but it will help you get to 200,000 points also. guide by LosersVoteParty on trueachievement.com
The idea behind Firefight is fairly simple... DON'T DIE. That is why I will repeat some strategies that others have mentioned but will emphasize some some key differences.
Our Result: I ended the match once the achievement was reached, 1 hour and 57 minuets, 31 lives remaining (even with many intentional betrayals). One of our players had never beaten a single level in any halo on heroic and prefers easy mode. The strategy only requires one truly great player and one who is exceptional. The other 2 just need to know how to aim, fire, and communicate.
Lost Platoon is a map that revolves around a central structure. It is connected to the only 2 ODST spawn points by an upstairs walkway. The key point of interest will be your main base located in the side of the central structure. It is the Warthogs spawn point, and the room on the side of it contains the Spartan Laser. Enemies can only enter the map via Phantom dropship, there are 4 potential locations. 2 phantoms will land at the beginning of each sub-round. 2 of the locations are Chopper drop points and 2 are Wraith drop points. The most important being the wraith drop point directly visible from the Spartan Laser spawn room. The other wraith will stay up on the hill on the opposite side of the map.
Role 1: Laser
Probably the key player, but also your weak link skill wise. Let me break it down simply.
1. Hide in Laser spawn room with Laser.
2. Kill the visible Wraith immediately upon drop.
3. Hide. Don't Die.
4. Repeat when needed.

Role 2: Brute Chopper/Leader
Reserve this role for the best player of your group, but be warned you will likely die the most. Not only will they be expected to thrive in any combat situation, many times with no support!!! but you will need to be able to communicate important details to your teammates. Mostly this will include dropship locations as well as what enemies have, or are going to, drop (for that you will need to understand the pattern of sub-rounds that the enemies are based upon). It is also important to understand skulls and let your team know because you may wish to adjust your strategy (EX. when Catch is active the safest place for all team members is in a chopper, except the laser). As for the physical expectations of this player, you should be out killing in a Chopper at all times. When necessary (and your chopper is destroyed) you may need to take out any group of opponents on your own, on foot, then get back to base asap. For that I recommend your weapons to be a Plasma Pistol and either a Carbine or Human Pistol, whichever has more prevalent ammo at the time.
1. Splatter any large enemies, as well as shoot Drones.
2. Never approach a dropsite when a phantom is present.
3. Always travel clockwise around the central structure and be cautious of collision with teammates in other choppers. Doing this will avoid ALOT of senseless deaths and provides you with the best angle of approach for all dropsites.
3. At the time of a drop focus on killing the enemies closest to the base first, that way you will ensure the protection of your Laser (and possibly other players) within it.
4. The Leader especially needs to be adept at killing the driver of enemy choppers without destroying the vehicle. Storage of spares should be inside the base under the stairs, and a player should get in and out of them from time to time to prevent them from disappearing. SIDE NOTE - Another solution suggested storing the choppers in the 2 spawning rooms. While it is an interesting idea, after some thought I would disagree with it's practical effectiveness. Spares aren't always plentiful and finding where you put them then getting to them would be more trouble then it saves you. It's easy enough to run up the stairs and follow the path to the choppers in the base without ever needing to engage an enemy.
Role 3: Chopper When Possible
This player should be fairly skilled. Basically follow all chopper rules as stated above. When you can't use a chopper then stay in the base and support your teammates.
Role 4: Alternative
If this player is skilled enough then use a chopper when you can like Role 3. However there is a very effective alternative if this player isn't that good or like in our case prefers the simplicity for time to time (this is also what you should be doing if no chopper is available at the time.) Sit in the gun of the warthog and DO NOT move it out of the base. In the base your are protected on all sides except the one you should be shooting towards. This strategy should be avoided when Catch is active or during a sub-round that contains Hunters or Brute Chieftains wielding Hammers or Fuel Rods. Also this is the main difference between this solution and others.... NEVER.... NEVER use the Warthog as an offensive weapon outside the base. First of all that means 2 deaths, and second its tactically foolish. Death risk if far too high. Trust me, stick with choppers, boosting makes splattering any enemy possible without driving directly at them from a distance to gain speed (seems obvious). It would be incredibly daft to try this when any fuel rod or hunter is around.... which is often (let alone almost any enemy). Plus if you think you can rely on the turret, think again, the Tilt Skull will make it nearly impossible. On top of that the Warthog isn't safe. Go with choppers, that wheel is an offensive and defensive advantage. If you get stuck on the wheel if barely even affects you.
Everyone go for headshots with a pistol or carbine and avoid getting stuck. The medals will drastically increase your points in a short amount of time. Once the target score is reached try to run and survive the 60 seconds so you don't risk losing your weapons or grenades. Also there is no sense wasting a chopper and getting simultaneously stuck 10 times. But it is possible to do good damage with the chopper during the round, just be wary.
Catch - Stay on the move and use choppers
Tilt - (Ground Tactics) Take out enemy shields with plasma weapons, use headshots. (If you use the chopper tactics then Tilt won't affect you at all.)
Black Eye - Use extreme caution!!! When there is a lone grunt or jackal the chopper players should dismount beat down to replenish stamina. Oh and 2 healths are located on the back wall of the base and 2 are on the walls on top of the bases structure. Even so, the majority of your deaths will occur when Black Eye is active.
If you follow these stratigies this achievement will be almost easy. In my opinion it was an actual "walk in the park" compared to the rigors of the highway and the Vidmaster Deja Vu Achievement (yes that was a bit of a pun). I would say good luck but you won't need it. Have fun slaughtering these Covenant.
Windward Map alsso an endure giude but applies to the 200,000 point achievement posted by
STZ513 on true achievements
When you spawn look across the way. At the top of the stairs there is a room and inside the room is a large desk. Have 2 players keep meleeing the desk until it is blocking the entrance to the room. Meanwhile have the other 2 players stand guard outside, taking out anything that comes inside. The room will now be Brute, Grunt and Drone-proof! There are 2 Med Kits inside however you may accidently grab them while running around. Here are pointers for dealing with enemies:
Grunts- Main grenade throwers. Strafe between the glass panels shooting them or throwing grenades.
Drones- May occasionally get lucky and squeeze through though not often. Same strategy as grunts.
Brutes (everything other than Chieftain)- Easiest way is to stick nades to them, just be sure to warn teammates in front of you or if you accidently throw one in the room.
Jackels- They can climb up and walk in if you let them. Simply shoot or melee them while they're doing this.
Chieftains- Their hammers can easily move the desk. Bombard them with weapons fire before they get in to waste the invinciblity. When they break in, run out and keep circling around on the top floor while shooting til they die. (Note- Hammers can also be used to move the desk back quicker, its just tougher to control where it moves. Make sure no one is inside while you're doing this.)
Hunters- Same basic stategy as Cheiftains. Try and kill before they get in, but if you can't, run around the second floor.
Grenades are your primary concern. If you stay near the glass they shouldn't get you, however hunters and chieftains may hit you through the glass. Large explosions or grenades that get under the desk may flip it.
Most if not all enemies will be distracted if you stand in close to the glass panel. They will try to melee you but can't hurt you. If you press up against the panel you can melee kill them through it (great strategy for Black Eye). However, DO NOT TRY THIS ON CHIEFTAINS OR HUNTERS!!! THEY WILL KILL YOU!!!
If you run low on ammo or grenades, wait for a break in the action or the end of a wave to run out and grab it.
The desk may move a bit during the fighting so be sure to check on it and melee it back in place if it moved.
Play a bit and after the first round or 2 you should have an idea of who the 2 best players are. Have them in the area across from the room, near where you spawn. The 2 people in the room distarct enemies and keep an eye on the radar to know where enemies will be entering while the other 2 get most of the kills.
Last Exit Have one person snipe, one hijack Ghosts and taking them to the top level (with sniper covering them) and two in the upper level of the spawning room, camping.
VidMaster Challenge: Deja Vu
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