This is an in depth analysis.The achievements are listed along with most of the killstreaks.
On the top is Infinity Wards Infamy Trailer and below is the breakdown by IGN. IGN does a great job of slowing down the clips so that you can get more information from the video.
Features and points of interest of MW2
No servers for PC version, Here is what FourZeroTwo has to say about it "Matchmaking & Smoother Gameplay: When you want to player a multiplayer game on PC, in the past. You’d have to scroll through a Server Browser which listed every available server which was hosted by individual server admins. Each had their own private rules, mods, or ways of playing the game. Most players would also use the server browser to find just the best quality game (based on PING). With IWNET matchmaking, it takes all that into account for you. All you have to do is select the playlist (pre-set gametypes with custom rules) that fits the style of play you are in the mood for. When you do, it will automatically find you a game with the best performance, ping, and preferences based on your location and individual connection as well as matching you with players of your same SKILL. So you’re always guaranteed the best game performance for where you are and what connection you’re playing on as well as an equal game with other players of your same skill level, not rank, but skill level. It doesn’t mean you’ll just be thrown into a random game! It will put you in the game that will give you the smoothest gameplay possible without you having to manually find a server with the best ping." You can find more @
Customizable Killstreak: This is a great feature that will change how people play the game. There are 15 unlockable perks for this.
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Gaming Poster (Size: 24" x 36")
Here are all of the killstreaks
You unlock them as you progress through multiplayer. You choose what to unlock.
3 Kills: UAV
4 Kills: Care Package: The package contains either a random killstreak or ammo. The killstreak can be anything from the UAV to the AC-130 Gunship, regardless what killstreak rewards you have chosen. The better the perk the less likely to get it, for example AC130 will appear less than UAV.
4 Kills: a counter UAV
5 Kills: Sentry Gun: Deployable and automatic, can be destroyed.
5 Kills: Predator missle Can be guided unlike the previous airstrike. WOW
6 Kills: Precision Airstrike: similar to MW but they added that the airstrike can come from a specific direction.
7 Kills: Attack Helicopter
7 kills: Harrier Strike
8 Kills: Emergency airdrop, airdrop 4 random killstreaks or ammo
9 Kills: Pave Low: Heavily Armored Assault Helicopter
9 Kills: Stealth bomber, airstrike undectectable on enemy maps
11 Kills: AC 130: Be the gunner of an AC130, with counter measure. Find a good hiding spot before deploying
11 Kills: Chopper Gunner, Be the gunner of an attack helicopter
15 kills: Emp, temporarily disable enemy electronics.
25 Kills: Tactical Nuke, End the game with a bang
Some of these were shown as available during the Beta, might change for release.
Sticky Grenades? WTF I hate knowing that I will die soon when one is stuck to my forehead
The riot shield Is a great addition, it protects you from the back as well as the front depending on whether or not you have it equiped at the moment.
Riding a snowmobile looks great but I think you can only shoot the pistol while riding and it looks like it might be difficult to get a kill while using one
Things you might have missed in the Trailer
The next two vids are about kill streaks but mainly the AC130. You might have missed the fact that it uses counter measures. What about the radar on the gun, awsome right. The first one is the official trailer from Infinity Ward and the second is a beakdown by IGN.
Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer AC130 (Official HD)
IGN Rewind Theater: Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Trailer
Achievements-Guides will be posted as I make them
•Back in the Saddle (15 G) - Help train the local militia.
•Danger Close (15 G) - Get hand picked for Shepherd's elite squad.
•Cold Shoulder (15 G) - Infiltrate the snowy mountain side base.
•Tag 'em and Bag 'em (15 G) - Find Rojas in the Favelas.
•Royale with Cheese (15 G) - Defend Burger Town.
•Soap on a Rope (15 G) - Storm the gulag.
•Desperate Times (15 G) - Execute the plan to help the Americans.
•Whiskey Hotel (15 G) - Take back Whiskey Hotel.
•The Pawn (15 G) - Assault Makarov's safe house.
Vid also cover one of the missions for queen takes rook
•For the Record (35 G) - Complete the Single Player campaign on any difficulty.
•The Price of War (90 G) - Complete the single player campaign on Hardened or Veteran difficulty.
•First Day of School (25 G) - Complete 'S.S.D.D' and 'Team Player' on Veteran difficulty.
•Black Diamond (25 G) - Complete 'Cliffhanger' on Veteran difficulty.
•Turistas (25 G) - Complete 'Takedown' and 'The Hornet's Nest' on Veteran difficulty.
•Red Dawn (25 G) - Complete 'Wolverines' and 'Exodus' on Veteran difficulty.
•Prisoner #627 (25 G) - Complete 'The Only Easy Day… Was Yesterday' and 'The Gulag' on Veteran difficulty.
•Ends Justify the Means (25 G) - Complete 'Contingency' on Veteran difficulty.
•Homecoming (25 G) - Complete 'Of Their Own Accord', 'Second Sun', and 'Whiskey Hotel' on Veteran difficulty.
•Out of the Frying Pan… (15 G) - Complete the mission in the airplane graveyard. Same vid as queen takes the rook
•Queen takes Rook (25 G) – Complete 'Loose Ends' and 'The Enemy of My Enemy' on Veteran difficulty.
•Off the Grid (25 G) - Complete 'Just Like Old Times' on Veteran difficulty.
•Pit Boss (10 G) - Run The Pit in 'S.S.D.D' and finish with a final time under 30 seconds.
•Ghost (10 G) - Plant the C4 in 'Cliffhanger' without alerting or injuring anyone in the blizzard.
Achievement hunter has a good video on how to do this, I played on veteran and did not get it yet. It should be interesting.
•Colonel Sanderson (10 G) - Kill 7 chickens in under 10 seconds in 'The Hornet's Nest.'
•Gold Star (20 G) - Earn 1 star in Special Ops.
•Hotel Bravo (20 G) – Earn 4 stars in Special Ops.
•Charlie on Our Six (20 G) – Earn 8 stars in Special Ops.
•It Goes to Eleven (20 G) – Earn at least 1 star in 11 different Special Op missions.
•Operational Asset (20 G) – Earn all 3 stars in at least 5 different Special Op missions.
•Blackjack (20 G) - Earn 21 stars in Special Ops.
•Honor Roll (20 G) - Earn at least 1 star in each Special Op mission
•Operative (30 G) - Earn all 3 stars in at least 10 different Special Op missions.
•Specialist (30 G) - Earn 30 stars in Special Ops.
•Professional (30 G) - Earn all 3 stars in at least 15 different Special Op missions
•Star 69 (90 G) - Earn 69 stars in Special Ops.
•Downed but Not Out (10 G) - Kill 4 enemies in a row while downed in Special Ops.
•I'm the Juggernaut… (10 G) - Kill a Juggernaut in Special Ops.
•Ten Plus Foot-Mobiles (10 G) - Kill at least 10 enemies with one Predator missile in Single pLyaer or Special Ops.
•Unnecessary Roughness (10 G) - Use a riot shield to beat down an enemy in Single Player or Special Ops.

•Some Like it Hot (10 G) - Kill 6 enemies in a row using a thermal weapon in Single Player or Special Ops.
•Two Birds with One Stone (10 G) - Kill 2 enemies with a single bullet In Single Player or Special Ops.
Here are three vids with all 45 of the intel locations, vids by TactikalPenguin1 on youtube. If they help please let him know by posting a comment and rating.
•The Road Less Traveled (10 G) - Collect 22 enemy intel items.
•Leave No Stone Unturned (10 G) - Collect 45 enemy intel items.
I also created a page for the intel locations with vids about each level, if you are having trouble finding a certain one: Intel Location Guide
•Drive By (10 G) - Kill 20 enemies in a row while driving a vehicle in Single Player or Special Ops.
•The Harder They Fall (10 G) - Kill 2 rappelling enemies in a row before they land on their feet in Single Player or Special Ops.
•Desperado (10 G) - Kill 5 enemies in a row using 5 different weapons or attachments in Single Player or Special Ops.
•Look Ma Two Hands (10 G) - Kill 10 enemies in a row using akimbo weapons in Single Player or Special Ops.
•No Rest for the Wary (10 G) - Knife an enemy without him every knowing you were there in Single Player or Special Ops.
•Three-some (10 G) - Kill at least 3 enemies with a single shot from a grenade launcher in Single Player or Special Ops.
Gamestop suprise attack
Rust Multiplayer Map(above)
This is Rust one of the Multiplayer Maps, It is also an ad but at least we get to see it. The map is an industrial area and looks very interesting. An open are but it also has some good hidding spots.
Special Ops
This is a two player co-op that is seperate from the single player campaign it has been confirmed by fourzerotwo, more details to come.
I think this might turn out to be the best game this year. I like the new items and feature they have built in. Hopefully there are not that many glitches for people to abuse, that could ruin the game.I have pre ordered the prestige edition and will be at the midnight launch in my area.(gamestop) I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.